Plus, Chicago to pay over $5 million in two police shootings suits and survey finds that Black And white Americans view historical events very differently.

A Howard County high school teacher who was placed on administrative leave comes back after administrators investigate offensive lesson.

Pamela Ramsey, a West Virginia non-profit director, will be allowed to return to work after calling Michelle Obama an "ape in heels."

“Attitudes about my presidency among whites in northern states are very different from whites in southern states,” POTUS told CNN.

Media giant CNN has faced several lawsuits in the past few years...

National News

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird have been snatched from bookshelves as a Virginia school district decides whether or not to permanently ban the books.

Dr. Michelle Herren claims that her words were taken out of context and that she didn't know calling Black people "monkeys" was racist.

The unnamed Harlem Park Elementary School instructor was given the pink slip for using inflammatory language when trying to get control of her class.

David Duke made his way over to Dillard University in New Orleans to participate in a debate against other candidates running for a spot on the Louisiana Senate, and his presence was immediately protested.