

Charges against the three remaining officers in the Freddie Gray case have been dropped...

Baltimore police are urging "Pokemon Go" users to be careful after one distracted driver hit their patrol car.

For the fourth time prosecutors in Baltimore have found another officer not guilty in the Freddie gray case.


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Police were responding to gunshots in West Baltimore when they fatally shot a man who fired at them with an "AR-15-style" weapon...


Five people were shot on July 11 while attending a vigil for 24-year-old Jermaine Schofield, who died as a result of gun violence in Baltimore.

We opened the phone lines to get Baltimore's reaction and the first person who called in was a black Baltimore police officer...

A Minnesota man by the name of Philando Castile is shot to death by police in front of his girlfriend and her young daughter after being pulled over for a busted taillight yesterday.

Following the not guilty verdict of Officer Caesar Goodson charged with second-degree murder in the death of Freddie Gray, the Baltimore FOP is calling for City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby to stop charges against the other 4 officers who are charged in the case. Lt. Ryan spoke on behalf of the FOP Thursday afternoon. “We […]

The LYMS hosts radiothon to raise money to help young folks find jobs with Baltimore mayor & youth leaders.