
Ayesha Curry will not hold her tongue when it comes to her man’s success. Steph Curry‘s wife was fed up on Thursday night after the Warriors took on the Cavaliers in Cleveland in Game 6 and lost  by 14 points. Curry was ejected after fouling out and Ayesha took to Twitter to let the world know that […]


If you didn’t know any better, you might think that you woke up in 1994 or 1995 all over again, as the current fascination and endless media attention involving the OJ Simpson murder trial just refuses to slow down. Today a former juror has a controversial theory as to why Simpson received a not guilty […]


With all of the recent sad news going on throughout our country, it’s nice to stumble across something online that can truly put a smile on your face. That is exactly the case with the photos circulating of an all-natural hair bridal party that has become an overnight viral sensation.   Generally the goal of […]

Doctors told Pooch Hall's family his daughter might not live long enough to graduate high school because of her cerebral palsy.

Looks like we found ourselves a new golden boy.