
Pastor Yeary asks – have we become arrogant about our place in the eyes of God?

Pastor Yeary asks – have we become arrogant about our place in the eyes of God?

James 1:2-3 (NLT) “My brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. Explanation: The operative word in this passage is “whenever”. It tells us that we will have troubles in our lives and that it […]

FLOTUS is back on the campaign trail in Arizona with harsh words for GOP nominee Donald Trump.


Brooklyn Pastor David K. Brawley discusses ways churches can promote change in their community in areas of education, gun violence, leadership and more.

Upon arrival on Sunday, parents of the girls tearfully celebrated in the streets and had a formal ceremony in Nigeria's capital Abuja.

The breathtaking pictorial is accompanied with "love letters" crafted by African novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, actress Rashida Jones and others.

The high school track star was an innocent bystander, caught in the crosshairs of gun violence in Lexington, Kentucky.

Tionna Norris said that her 3-year-old child's teacher claimed that the students were bullying her because of her "stinky" hair—a claim that the school confirmed was not true.

Plus, the Department of Justice will begin collecting data on use of force by police and an Illinois movie theater changes rules after getting backlash for firing teen over dreadlocks.