National News

Donald Trump‘s supporters are out here making it known who the voted for. Although it was reported that a lot of the people who voted for the President-elect were “silent voters,” they have no problem shouting it out now, like a badge of honor. That was the case at a Miami Starbucks on Wednesday, where a […]

Beverly Whaling, the mayor of Clay, West Virginia, has officially resigned after posting an approving comment on a racist Facebook post that compared First Lady Michelle Obama to an "ape in heels."

Guess who won't be at Trump cabinet meetings. Ben Carson declines offer to run a federal agency in the Trump administration.


Understandably many Americans are still highly emotional over the presidential election of Donald Trump and that means that statements from public figures regarding the election are even more highly scrutinized than usual. Oprah Winfrey found this out the hard way when she recently gave her thoughts on President Obama and Trump sitting down together for […]

Donald Trump‘s Presidential election victory is being called one of the most controversial campaigns and elections in history. Judging by the low hotel booking numbers in D.C. for  his inauguration, the country’s next Commander in Chief may not be as well liked as he hoped. As they do every four years, the St. Regis hotel spent […]

They eatery took the word of a Trump supporter over U.S. Army veteran Ernest Walker, who questioned the man's service to our country.

Pamela Taylor, the director at the non-profit Clay County Development Corporation, was given a pink slip on Monday for making racist comments about FLOTUS.

The host of "Washington Week" and "PBS NewsHour" lost her battle to cancer on Monday.

Evangelical Christians proved to be a driving force behind Donald Trump winning the 2016 presidential election, but some high-profile Christian entertainers have voiced their disagreement with fellow believers who supported the candidate.  According to the Fox News exit polls, white evangelical voters helped seal the deal for President-elect Trump. Similarly, a study conducted by WPA Research and […]

National News

The reality of the outcome of the recent presidential election has left many Americans feeling hopeless, helpless and disenfranchised, but that hasn’t stopped them from looking forward to the 2020 election. Social media was ablaze today with urging and pleas for current FLOTUS Michelle Obama to run for president in 2020. In fact during Hillary […]