National News

Ben Carson‘s faith has been a big part of his campaign for President of The United States. He is definitely standing by his faith without…

A grand jury has convened to decide whether two White police officers will be charged in the fatal shooting of a 12-year-old Black child who was killed while playing with a toy gun at a Cleveland, Ohio park last fall.

Twins were disappointed to hear they wouldn't be able to obtain their learner's permits because the DMV thought they were one person.

United Airlines released a detailed apology to the man with cerebral palsy who crawled off one of their airplanes after delayed assistance from employees.

The incident at Spring Valley Student High School in Columbia, S.C. has become one of the most polarizing topics in the nation. While the general consensus…

Hollis-Jefferson planned a birthday party in the new home and waited with his family, friends, and a videographer to film the big moment (to the tune of Boyz II Men's "Mama," of course).

The woman can be heard spewing remarks such as "F**k you, ugly black man,” “He’s inferior because he’s black,” and “I have nice hair. At least I have hair to fix."

Reuters reports that new research shows the number of police officers charged in fatal shootings in 2015 has reached its highest level in a decade.

National News

The proposal was unveiled by House Republicans on Monday night. Under the deal, there would be an increase in military and domestic spending, and the federal borrowing limit would also rise over the next two years.

Corey Jones' final moments may have been recorded, revealing clues about the night he was shot by a Florida police officer after his car broke down on the side of the road.