We go through the trials and tribulations that we feel no one else does. Forgetting that what God made for us is for us as individuals. Sometimes it’s like, if it rains then it pours. Which causes the questioning of the God we serve. Should we question God? Many would agree, no. We’re taught to […]

In these times money has become our god, and the body, soul, and spirit of man are disregarded and neglected to gain more, achieve more, and pursue more. Excessive material possessions have ruined the sanctity of family and marriage. We work longer and harder, and even though the money may be coming in, we stand […]

The Eternal Value of Your Finite Time Our time is a finite resource. Once it’s gone, we cannot reclaim it. We must recognize the preciousness of the gift of time we have been given because if our perspective is skewed about the true value of our time, we won’t see the urgency of making a […]

Key Vulnerabilities When Using Your Time Many of us also have one or more innate personality traits that make the struggle to take control of our time even worse. Many of these traits have positive flip sides, but they also create blind spots that keep us from making wise decisions with our time. Examine your […]

Want to Hear God: Get Still and Listen! You have to be quiet in order to hear God speak. If you want to hear God’s vision, then you’re going to have to turn off the television. You can’t listen to God and the TV at the same time! The reason why God may never speak […]