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Source: Kevin Mazur / Getty

This year is quickly coming to an end. Thanksgiving is next week, and family’s are gearing up for another evening of their holiday favorites. If you had the opportunity, which celebrity’s Thanksgiving dinner would you attend? Take our quiz below to find out.

Thanksgiving is loaded with traditions from what food’s your family might prepare, who’s invited and the various options for entertainment to carry you and your family into the night. Celebrities have their own holiday customs and traditions, and we figured it would be fun to predict how a few of celebrities might celebrate.

Whether you’re enjoying a home cooked meal at Patti LaBelle’s humble abode or diving into a bowl of Creole gumbo goodness at The Carters, there’s a special Thanksgiving experience in store at each of these celebrity homes. Some celebrities like Diddy would suggest you come camera ready as his Thanksgiving dinner is bound to feature an entire production team. While The Carters may opt for a more intimate and familial experience.

If you need to spark your appetite before dinner, you may not have to take the infamous cousin walk at Snoop Dogg’s Thanksgiving dinner celebration. For our friends who despise the historical context of the holiday, you might enjoy the grandiose history lesson that comes with dinner at Oprah’s house.

As you prepare for to celebrate Thanksgiving with your family in your own unique way, we figured it would be fun to imagine which celebrity dinner you might attend. Choose your fighter for Thanksgiving dinner. Of all the festivities, which celebrity family would host the best Thanksgiving dinner?

Take our quiz below:

Take This Quiz: Which Celebrity Thanksgiving Dinner Would You Attend?  was originally published on