
The "Apprentice" alum hopes she can get more Black voters to back the Republican presidential candidate. Bless her heart.

The GOP's tone-deafness is absolutely mind-boggling; like who approved that?

Psalm 37:4 (NIV) “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Explanation: We are encouraged by David to delight ourselves in the Lord. How do we do this? To delight in someone means to experience great pleasure and joy in his or her presence. This happens only when […]

Hundreds, including Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton, gathered at Southern University to pay their respects to the slain man.

In the film's new one-sheet, the actor appears with an American flag noose wrapped around his neck.

Plus, zero percent of African-American voters in Ohio and Penn. are voting for Trump and Carla Hayden will be the first woman and the first African-American to head the Library of Congress.

Nineteen-year-old Fred Barley is homeless, but understands the importance of higher education.

Zenobia Dobson gave a moving and emotional speech urging Americans to do more to stop gun violence and senseless deaths like her son's.

Plus, Donald Trump taps Indiana Governor Mike Pence for the VP slot and Melissa Harris-Perry to join BET News as "Special Correspondent."