
Good News

Florida A&M University named its new performing arts center after entertainment mogul Will Packer.

Good News

North Carolina Central University recently unveiled a program designed to increase the representation of Black male teachers.

Good News

Usher’s nonprofit has received a $500,000 endowment to advance its youth financial literacy initiative.

Civil Rights & Social Justice

Figueroa's wheelchair was damaged while traveling over the summer, and the replacement wheelchair provided did not properly support her needs. For people without mobility challenges, this might not seem like a big deal. Still, for Figueroa, who had particular physical support and mobility requirements, it was literally a matter of life and death.  


The predominantly Black city declared a safety emergency over its lead levels previously. Levels present in the city are said to be higher than those present in Flint at the height of its crisis. In an interview with “Detroit Today,” Nick Leonard said it is unclear what caused the levels in Benton Harbor to spike beginning in 2018.  

The tree will be wrapped in 50,000 multi-colored energy efficient LED lights and crowned with a Swarovski crystal star. 

The Maryland-based vaccine manufacturer shared the development Thursday in a conference call discussing its latest financial results. Emergent said it's losing out on about $180 million. 

A Raleigh detective recently proved that not all cops are here to protect us after he was fired for conspiring to plant fake heroin on Black men with help from an informant and knowledge from other officers. 

Texas Republican state Rep. Matt Krause has compiled a list of 850 books he has identified as materials that "might make students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress because of their race or sex," and requested that school districts report possessing any books from the list.

The Judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial dismissed a juror on the third day of deliberation because they told a joke to the courtroom deputy about the police shooting of Jacob Blake.