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Miracles Are Voice Activated | Dr. Willie Jolley

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Source: Reach Media / Radio One Digital

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win BIG today is “Miracles Are Voice Activated”

I want to share a secret. I’ve learned that it’s so powerful. If you want something in life, you should make up your mind to ask for it. You should make up your mind to be all that you can be and make the decision to do what Scripture teaches us to do. And that is to ask for what you want. 

If you want something in life, you have to be willing to ask for it, pray for it, speak it up. My friend, Doctor Clarice Fluid, great woman of Faith, said when I interview her on my SiriusXM podcast and on the show that miracles are voice activated. Hmm. You need to speak up and ask for what you want. The Bible says ask, and you shall receive. Well, the converse is also applicable. Don’t ask, and you might not receive. Most people receive not because they ask. Not. I say if you want more out of life, you must ask more out of life. Ask andyou will receive. Don’t ask and you only get what life throws your way. If you want the GET then you need to ASK.  

Go get a free chapter from the book at and if you wanna give a great marriage gift to a newly married couple, I recommend you give them the gift that will help them stay married.

Miracles Are Voice Activated | Dr. Willie Jolley  was originally published on