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President Trump Delivers Remarks At Jupiter, FL Lighthouse

Source: Joe Raedle / Getty

President Donald Trump has already waged an open war on racial sensitivity training, stating that the teaching of antiracism classes on the federal dime will no longer be funded. Now, it appears that the very privileged former business mogul doesn’t believe white privilege to be a real thing.

In Bob Woodward’s upcoming book Rage, more details are emerging from a series of 18 interviews the famed journalist had with Trump, complete with audio confirming such. As reported by the Washington Post, Trump essentially pooh-poohs white privilege as a concept in flippant fashion.


From the Post:

In another conversation, on June 19, Woodward asked the president about White privilege, noting that they were both White men of the same generation who had privileged upbringings. Woodward suggested that they had a responsibility to better “understand the anger and pain” felt by Black Americans.

“No,” Trump replied, his voice described by Woodward as mocking and incredulous. “You really drank the Kool-Aid, didn’t you? Just listen to you. Wow. No, I don’t feel that at all.”

Of course, this revelation isn’t immediately shocking to even the most novice of observers but underscores the fact that white men in power rarely recognize those beneath them in economic standing whether by design or otherwise.

In essence, Trump’s admittance that he doesn’t see his position as a wealthy white man as a privilege further proves that he’ll only recognize those who look like him and support his stances, no matter how blindly applied they are.

And with Trump’s propensity to rile up his base with falsehoods and loaded rhetoric, the next few weeks of the presidential campaign might see either a surge in his approval or an unraveling.

Photo: Getty

White Privilege Watch: President Donald Trump Is A White Privilege Denier  was originally published on