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Speed camera

Source: Thierry Monasse / Getty

Here is bit of advice for you if you are driving around Baltimore City. Slow down.

42 new red-light and speed cameras went up Monday at locations throughout the city, and if you’re caught on camera, you could pay the price.

Nineteen speed cameras have been added to locations outside schools within the city. If you get caught, prepare to pay a $40 fine. Nineteen more red-light cameras are also up on city streets. Running a red light will cost you $75. Also, six cameras are dedicated to ticketing trucks for driving on streets that restrict vehicles over three-quarters of a ton.

The red-light cameras run 24 hours a day, every day of the year. The speed cameras operate Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. year-round. There had been problems with the cameras in the previous year, but that seems to have been corrected.

You’ve been warned.

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