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Source: Rubberball/Mark Andersen / Getty

I’m here to help you this year fellas. Contrary to popular belief, while presents and extravagant tokens of affection are all well and good for your spoiled bougie boo, there’s also some other stuff she needs from you that money just can’t buy. When you get all of these items in line, sometimes we could actually care less about a gift…

1. Your Time: Sure, you called Paris and had them overnight the new exclusive pair of nude Louboutins directly to her job, complete with five long stemmed red roses to signify each year that you’ve spent Valentine’s Day together, buuuut she hasn’t actually seen you all day, or even this week for that matter! Yes, while we most certainly understand that hard work obviously has to be implemented in order for you to provide us nice things, we also need you to understand that your presence means the World to us. All of the trinkets in the Universe can’t comfort a lonely woman. You better make time for what’s really important!!

2. Your Undivided Attention:Ok, you’re spending the time with her, but you’re attention is completely somewhere else. You’ve either got a phone glued to your face, ear buds in your ears, or you’re deeply enthralled in either some sort of television program or a ridiculously distracting guy text messaging convo on your cell. This has to stop fellas. If I have to repeat myself more than two times because your concentration is tied up elsewhere, chances are I don’t even want to talk to you anymore and now I’m completely thrown into an annoyed funk. Again, find better times to engage in certain things where your mate won’t feel neglected. OR, just always remember that you don’t have to show her any attention because there are thousands of hungry man-vultures right outside of your front door that will shower her with all the attention she needs…

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Dear Men: 7 Things We Really Want On Valentine’s Day Instead Of A Gift  was originally published on