Michael Jordan is trying to make up for the years people said he's done nothing for the African-American community.

“I think that being African American has definitely been a huge obstacle for me,” Misty Copeland explained in a conversation with President Barrack Obama and Time reporter Maya Rhodan earlier this year. “But it’s also allowed me to have this fire inside of me that I don’t know if I would have or have had if […]

National News

Not only did Nitra complete undergrad, she's now about to graduate from law school. Myles is completing his Master's degree in special education, while their son MJ is preparing to graduate from kindergarten.

Douglasville residents were thrilled to see a change in the political makeup of their small, rural city last week when Rochelle Robinson was elected mayor, making her both the first female and the first Black politician to hold the seat,

Breast Cancer

Every family has a health story and in Jacqueline Sheppard’s family cancer is a running theme. For the 38-year-old Maryland mother it’s hard for her…

NewsOne Now

Cornell Belcher discusses polling data showing that 72 percent of Black parents favor charter schools.

NewsOne Now

Aviva Kempner, director of the new documentary "Rosenwald," discuss the movie and Julian Bond's involvement in the film.

Summer has officially graced us with her long-awaited presence, a season that means longer days of fun at amusement parks, days at the beach, and swimming pools for…