The election results are official, but for many Black voters, concerns about efforts to disenfranchise their ballots this year will linger. 


Philadelphia's Black voters reflect on the 2020 election.


MSNBC's interview with a Black voter in Detriot was going viral after he addressed the acts of voter intimidation by Trump supporters looking to stop ballots from being counted in Michigan's election.

Exit polling data was painting a broad picture of the election's results and the role that Black voters, in particular, were playing in it.

This year will go down in history as one of the most stressful, racially tense, socially unjust, politically incorrect years of our generation. We’ve endured a global pandemic that left over 1.21 million people dead worldwide. In the first 8 months of 2020, police killed 164 Black people, and we’ve seen an influx of people […]

From candidates for Congress to the U.S. Senate, a change in the balance of power on Capitol Hill is looming large in certain pockets of America depending on how the down-ballot elections turn out.

The potential of violence is threatening to further divide the United States of America ahead of one of the most consequential presidential elections in modern history.

The general election is on Tuesday, November 3rd, but 39 states as well as the District of Columbia offer voters the option of casting ballots in advance of the general election. With the current political climate amidst a national pandemic due to COVID-19, it may be in your best interest to vote sooner rather than […]


The democratic process of voting has long excluded people based on what is known as criminal disenfranchisement laws—meaning each state has regulations that strip a person’s right to vote if they have a past felony conviction.

Early voting in Maryland for the fall general election begins this October. Roughly 80 early voting sites will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. starting October 26 and ending November 2. Still, election officials are urging people to vote by mail ahead of the election due to the coronavirus pandemic. The last day […]