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Get Off Facebook | Ericaism

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Do y’all remember those two older ladies that went viral? Or three older ladies that went viral singing. Keep your business off of Facebook? 


Man, I, Lord Jesus, I love y’all so much I do. But I want you to know that these platforms are deceiving place you spend and invest too much time and what you need to say on Facebook, but then you need to ask yourself, who am I talking to? What do you really know about your followers? You don’t know much about with them. 


So why do you invest so much of so much of your emotional time in what you’re posting and saying and what they think? I believe. That it is a way that we can comment and see what’s going on in other people’s lives. But when it moves over into judging other people’s lives and then judging their lives against your life, then that’s when it’s an issue. 

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I wrote on Instagram last week that your platform is deceiving. It’s not a real play. It’s it’s not real peace, love. Nor is it joy. The crowds and comments can’t heal you, but God can. He affirms and confirms and all things work together for the good. It’s OK if you’re not OK, but don’t pretend to be online, don’t pretend to be something that you’re not, and then by all means, don’t judge your life by something that you see a lot of that is really smoking mirrors. 


I know I’ve told you before, there was a lady who posted this great picture. She goes to my church. I thought she was having a good time. I commented and sent her. You’re doing well. She hit me back when she was battling depression and felt like taking her life because sometimes that’s they’re posting what they want to be, not what they are. And so you’re trying to catch up with someone that’s not even being real with themselves. 


I know what to saying a lot of y’all cause we got some smart people in the get up church. But I want you to. Your lives and share this message with your loved ones. Make it be a conversation, not telling them out. Y’all need to get out of Facebook. 


I know I mentioned this song, but I want you to have real joy and real relationships and real communication in your life. I love the great God friends all over the world, you know. He always giving birthday shout outs because he got friends and friends and family mean real connection. Love real people looking out for you. 


I’m not mad at social media cause y’all know I’m on all the time and I get to meet some of you guys, but I don’t invest too much into it, right? Don’t be deceived by your platform or the lack thereof. Don’t get emotional and upset because people didn’t like the picture, because the algorithms are real, which means if if you don’t usually post, then the algorithms and social media know you don’t usually post, so they don’t. Send it out right? Or if you only follow a certain person, you’ll never really find new people because the algorithms say, oh, this is all they want to see. So invest in real relationships. Invest in real connection with real people. 


I love you and I mean it. 


Get Off Facebook | Ericaism  was originally published on